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Our Program

十大电子游艺网站十大电子游艺平台首选的项目提供了一种文化能力, Montessori-inspired curriculum, 专为在充满活力和培育的环境中培育幼儿的宝贵阶段而设计.


十大电子游艺网站富有经验和同情心的老师的指导下, the school day promotes cognitive, social, 情感的发展是通过充满好奇心的快乐探索, wonder, and creativity. 探索感官和活动,以提高实际生活技能的强调, 以及语言和数学技能的习得. 感觉材料频繁地旋转,一年四季变得越来越复杂, 通过一系列有吸引力的活动,鼓励孩子们按照自己的节奏探索世界, purposefully designed to spark interest, and develop gross and fine motor skills, as well as independence. Imaginative play is more than just play here; it's a part of the curriculum that makes learning fun and purposeful.


十大电子游艺网站项目的核心是社区意识和归属感,为孩子们创造一个安全的学习和成长空间. 通过掌握倾听等基本技能来培养社会意识, collaboration, turn-taking, emotion recognition, and conflict resolution, 十大电子游艺网站引导年轻的学习者成为社会负责任的成员. 当学龄前儿童毕业到幼儿园和低年级课程时, 他们为即将到来的学术学习打下了坚实的基础, enriched by a sense of order, curiosity, and a commitment to community and social awareness. Confident and prepared, 他们已经准备好在他们的发展旅程中迈出下一步, 不仅具备参与世界的能力,而且具备积极探索和询问世界的能力, 体现了蒙台梭利启发的原则,这些原则一直被亲切地灌输给他们.

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Angie Evans
Program Director
Montessori Philosophy

十大电子游艺平台首选将蒙台梭利教学法应用于幼儿课程, which is focused on language development, movement, social emotional growth, and cultural competency. Montessori principles are evident in the classroom materials, classroom set up, 老师的定位是跟随每个孩子的指导. When other programs are brought in, such as Reader's Workshop, 它们是用蒙台梭利的“示范”框架来应用的, practice, and master."



Parent Workshops

家长每月须参加晚间教育活动. Topics have included the school's curriculum, theories and style; tools for consistency between school and home; and moderated discussion where parents develop and share their voices. 这种方法反映了十大电子游艺网站的信念,即如果父母作为合作伙伴受到尊重,他们会做出回应并参与其中. 十大电子游艺网站相信这种方法会增强家长的倡导和领导能力.

Cultural Emphasis

HCS认识到每个孩子都为课堂带来了独特的文化背景,包括遗产, ethnicity, and home environment.

教师们寻找承认和强调不断变化的文化贡献的方法. 虽然主要是非裔美国人,但多元文化得到了体现和欣赏. For example, currently, they regularly sing different versions of the ABC song and the Happy Birthday song; both the traditional versions sung in most classrooms and versions with rhythms more readily recognized in many of their students' homes.

In anticipation of celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 老师们邀请家长们分享一个历史上的和平缔造者或对他们的家庭有重要意义的人物,以及一个他们的孩子会认识的名字. During the classroom celebration, 老师们会将这些人与马丁·路德·金和其他更经常受到尊敬的人一起命名.

Healthy Eating

Healthy breakfast, lunch, and snacks are served daily.

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Early Intervention

其他专业人员帮助识别和治疗健康和学习问题, offering families access to critical early intervention. These include a speech and language therapist; an occupational therapist; and a social worker that provides one-on-one play therapy with children in the classroom twice each week.


The daily schedule includes circle time, music and stories, independent classroom work time, outside playtime, and naptime.


The weekly schedule includes a trip to the local library, art and music, sensory motor development, 和马林地平线的员工一起上西班牙语和体育课.

Extended Care

为了照顾工作的父母,十大电子游艺平台首选(HCS)从早上7:30开放.m. to 5:30 p.m. each weekday, 11 months of the year. 与大多数幼儿园相比,HCS在总统周和春假期间仍然开放.

“十大电子游艺平台首选一直是十大电子游艺网站家的救星. 我喜欢我的孩子在一所体现课程多样性的学校上学, staff, and student body. 和长得像她的老师和学生在一起让她充满自信, and she is flourishing!"

Current Parent

Faculty & Staff

The faculty are more than just educators; they are committed mentors and advocates, 特别关注他们所服务的儿童和家庭的需要和潜力. 这些专业人士认识到每个孩子独特的挑战和优势, providing individualized attention and encouragement. But their mission goes beyond academics; they serve as life coaches, nurturers, and trusted allies, 帮助这些年幼的孩子用好奇心和自信探索他们的世界.


Their approach is transformative, 创造一个安全、有能力的环境,鼓励儿童学习, create, and grow. 他们的奉献精神和专业知识为这些孩子开始他们的终身学习之旅提供了必要的基石. 

Apply to HCS.

十大电子游艺平台首选目前接受18-36个月大的马林市居民的申请. You can download the application here.

Request a paper copy of the application


Return your completed application to:

Marin Horizon School
Attn: Angie Evans
305 Montford Ave
Mill Valley, CA 94941

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